On this day :
1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in New York City, 1774 Parliament passes the Boston Port Act, 1982 Star driver Danica Patrick born, 1865 Battle of Fort Stedman Virginia, 1946 Soviets announce withdrawal from Iran, 1932 Verdict is announced in Scottsboro case, 1911 Fire kills 145 at Triangle Shirtwaist factory, 1634 The settlement of Maryland, 1957 Common Market founded, 1975 King Faisal assassinated, 1994 Last US troops depart Somalia, 2001 Icelandic pop singer Bjork makes splash at the Oscars, 1955 US Customs seizes Howl, 1983 The Motown family stages a bittersweet reunion performance, 1879 Cheyenne Chief Little Wolf surrenders, 1933 USS Sequoia becomes presidential yacht, 1958 Sugar Ray defeats Basilio for middleweight title, 1967 Martin Luther King leads march against the war, 1968 Johnson meets with the Wise Men, 1918 Belarusian Peoples Republic established, 1941 Yugoslavia joins the Axis,