On this day :
1942 US Army launches K9 Corps, 1733 Unitarian Joseph Priestley is born in Yorkshire, 1969 The Love Bug opens in theaters, 1865 Confederacy approves black soldiers, 1961 Kennedy proposes Alliance for Progress, 1989 Black magic voodoo and murder occurs at Rancho Santa Elena, 1992 Quake rocks Turkey, 1781 William Hershel discovers Uranus, 1868 Impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson begins, 1881 Czar Alexander II assassinated, 1996 Tragedy at Dunblane, 2005 Disney names Robert Iger as new chief executive, 1891 Henrik Ibsens play Ghosts opens in London, 1965 Eric Clapton leaves the Yardbirds, 1836 Houston retreats from Santa Annas army, 1868 Senate hears impeachment charges against Andrew Johnson, 1979 Johan Santana born, 1954 Viet Minh attack French garrison, 1975 Ban Me Thuot falls, 1915 Battle of Neuve Chapelle ends, 1944 London suspends travel between Ireland and Britain,