On this day :
1933 FDR gives first fireside chat, 1776 Public Notice urges recognition of humane ladies, 1921 Italian auto titan Gianni Agnelli born, 1864 Red River Campaign begins, 1947 Truman Doctrine is announced, 1969 London police conduct drug raid at home of George Harrison, 2003 Police recover Elizabeth Smart and arrest her abductors, 1988 Hail causes stampede at soccer match in Nepal, 1888 The Blizzard of 1888, 1930 Gandhi leads civil disobedience, 1938 Germany annexes Austria, 1993 Reno sworn in as attorney general, 1982 Richard Pryor releases Live on the Sunset Strip, 1922 Jack Kerouac is born, 2003 The Dixie Chicks backlash begins, 1888 Chinese laborers excluded from US, 1933 FDR broadcasts first fireside chat, 1903 New York Highlanders join American League, 1968 McCarthy does well in the Democratic primary, 1972 Australians withdraw from South Vietnam, 1917 Russian army lends support to rebels in February Revolution, 1938 Hitler announces an Anschluss with Austria,


Rohan Payyavula

Rohan Payyavula

Class : V City - Mumbai | Age - 21 years
School : SM shetty intelanational sehool and JR coledge

I am good boy.

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