On this day :
1979 IsraelEgyptian peace agreement signed, 1776 South Carolina approves new constitution, 2008 Ford sells Jaguar and Land Rover to Indias Tata, 1864 McPherson takes over the Army of the Tennessee, 1950 McCarthy charges that Owen Lattimore is a Soviet spy, 1987 Torture chamber uncovered in Philadelphia, 1872 Deadly earthquake hits California, 1953 Salk announces polio vaccine, 1997 Heavens Gate cult members found dead, 2000 American Beauty tops Academy Awards, 1920 F Scott Fitzgeralds first novel published, 1955 Black music gets whitewashed as Georgia Gibbs hits the pop charts with The Wallflower Dance Wit, 1832 The steamboat Yellowstone heads for Montana, 1804 Jefferson presented with a mammoth loaf of bread, 1979 Michigan State defeats Indiana State in NCAA championship, 1969 Antiwar demonstration in Washington, 1975 Hue falls to the communists, 1917 First Battle of Gaza, 1941 Naval warfare gets new weapon,


Vacations - why I like them and why I don't like them

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People often go out on a holiday in the vacations. We get vacations during important festivals like Diwali and Christmas. We also get summer vacations.

Sometimes I think I don’t like vacations and sometimes I think that I like vacations. I don’t like vacations because I miss my school friends, and if I do not go anywhere out I get bored in the house. I like vacations because we go out and have fun. Sometimes we go to meet our grandparents. Vacations give me much-needed free time to learn new things like music and dance. During vacations we don’t have to take on pressure for school studies. I can also pursue my hobby for which I don’t get time during my school days. I like vacations because many nice movies for children are released and it is fun watching them. I liked my this year’s summer vacation as I had gone to my grandparents’ house. My cousins also live there. They have two dogs with them. I had lots of fun over there. I could play as much as I wanted to without a glance at the clock. In the evening we could see a beautiful sight - yellow, orange and red colours across the sky with a golden glow. We never had a dull moment.

If one does not plan his days during the vacations then the vacation can be quite boring and a wasteful experience.

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