On this day :
1998 Ted Kaczynski pleads guilty to bombings, 1779 Claudius Smith Cowboy of the Ramapos hangs, 2009 Gran Torino opens Down Under, 1927 John McCausland dies, 1982 Reagan links arms talks with Soviets to oppression in Poland, 1973 Roe v Wade, 1973 Plane crashes at Nigerian airport, 1840 British colonists reach New Zealand, 1901 Queen Victoria dies, 1905 First Russian Revolution begins, 1973 Supreme Court legalizes abortion, 1980 Sakharov arrested in Moscow, 2008 Heath Ledger dies of accidental prescription drug overdose, 2010 Conan OBrien makes final appearance as Tonight Show host, 1788 George Gordon Lord Byron is born, 1981 Final portrait of John and Yoko is on the cover of Rolling Stone, 1879 Chief Dull Knife makes last fight for freedom, 1973 Lyndon Baines Johnson dies in Texas, 1973 Foreman beats Frazier to win heavyweight title in Jamaica, 1964 US Joint Chiefs foresee larger US commitment, 1968 Operations Jeb Stuart and Pershing II kick off, 1905 Bloody Sunday Massacre in Russia, 1941 Brits and Australians take Tobruk,


Why do we have New Year Resolutions?

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Every moment of our life adds something new to our existence, something that gives our life a new meaning and a new purpose. It is not as if we are searching for the purpose of our existence all along, but sometimes our perspectives broaden.

Some moments of our life, however, also take away someone, something special from us. That moment tears us apart with sorrow, dejectedness and grief. But we always fight back, we do! Why do we fight back? Why do we always desire for things to return back to normal? It’s because we love life for the liveliness that it fills us with. We love life for giving us those special moments which uplift our spirits and make our existence a fruitful one.

All along our path of life, we do some things that we like, we do a few others that we don’t like and then we do some which neither we like nor do we not like, but yet we do them and they become our mistakes. Mistakes are a part and parcel of everyone’s life. We cannot shy away from them. Neither can we build such a perfect personality so as to not commit any mistake. As is rightly said, “To Err is Human”.

The Mistakes of our lives are the lessons that we learn from, the lessons that help us tread along the path of life. The morals of these lessons are our resolutions! Resolutions are a way to remind us that we did something in the past which we would not like to repeat. Resolutions remind us that we have to get up and restore our life back to normal else we would miss being alive.

The New Year is the perfect time for these resolutions because it marks the beginning of a new phase in our life. Everything that starts has to come to an end. We always desire the new beginnings to be nice and happy. We like to ensure that whatever happens, our life should be a bed of roses as far as possible. Our resolutions are a way for us to ensure that we won’t be committing the same mistakes again. We make a few new ones but definitely not repeat the old ones. Resolutions calm our mind and they tell our brain that we are in control. We always want to be in control, do we not?

Every New Year brings along with it a sense of newness and also an accompanied anxiety as to what lies ahead of us. A New Year Resolution gives us a firm shoulder to bank on, a firm grip over ourselves and also allows us to step into a new beginning with a brush of confidence.

So just go ahead, make your New Year resolutions and step into the New Year with full determination; determination to achieve your goals; determination to fulfil your dreams; determination to add something meaningful to your life! Happy New Year!

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