Last week, my mother was ironing my school uniform. I asked her ' Why do we have to wear the uniform to school? It would be so much fun if we could wear our new dresses to school. I would show my new jacket and jeans to my friends, Why this uniform always?!!
My mom explained to me - The uniforms are not just in schools. There are uniforms in hospitals, police, armed forces, work places and many other places. Uniform is a standard clothing for members of an organisation. They have been around since the Roman Empire.
Uniforms give us a sense of belonging to the institution. It reminds us of our commitment to the work. Uniform gives us a lot of pride and teamspirit.
When we are in a crowd or public place- the uniform makes us recognisable. In school, uniforms remove unnecessary distractions over clothes and maintains discipline.
We must always keep our uniform neat and tidy and maintain its pride.
After my mother explained this to me, I now shall always keep my uniform proper and mantain its dignity. Also, I want everybody to respect their uniform and profession.