On this day :
1973 US withdraws from Vietnam, 1776 Putnam named commander of New York troops, 2009 White House ousts GM chief, 1865 Appomattox campaign begins, 1951 Rosenbergs convicted of espionage, 1951 The Mad Bomber strikes in New York, 1982 Earthquake and volcano do double damage in Mexico, 1879 British victory at Kambula, 1974 Mariner 10 visits Mercury, 2005 Miramax chiefs part ways with Disney, 1797 Writer Mary Wollstonecraft marries William Godwin, 2006 Tom Jones is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, 1806 Congress authorizes survey of Cumberland Road, 1790 John Tyler is born, 1929 Herbert Hoover has telephone installed in Oval Office, 1982 Tar Heels win NCAA basketball championship, 1971 Calley found guilty of My Lai murders, 1973 Last US troops depart South Vietnam, 1917 Swedish prime minister resigns over WWI policy, 1945 Patton takes Frankfurt,


Because You're Beautiful

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Because you’re beautiful
No matter what
You do
Because you’re beautiful
The sun rises
Every day
Because you’re beautiful
The mist shrouds a
Dreamy day
Because you’re beautiful
A blossom blooms and holds
Its scent
Because you’re beautiful
Songs sung in your heart
Are meant
Because you’re beautiful
Reflections shine
And glint
Because you’re beautiful
Poems are written
Heaven sent
Because you are beautiful
This poem's heaven sent
To tell you
You are beautiful!

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