On this day :
1979 Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, 1774 British Parliament adopts the Coercive Acts, 1941 Land cleared for Fords Willow Run plant, 1862 Battle of Glorieta Pass, 1946 AchesonLilienthal Report released, 1814 Funeral held for the man behind the guillotine, 2006 Duke lacrosse team suspended following sexual assault allegations, 1979 Reactor overheats at Three Mile Island, 1939 Spanish Civil War ends, 1969 Eisenhower dies, 1920 Fairbanks and Pickford marry, 1936 Mario Vargas Llosa Peruvian novelist is born, 1958 WC Handythe Father of the Bluesdies, 1776 De Anza founds San Francisco, 1834 Congress censures Jackson, 1984 Baltimore Colts move to Indianapolis, 1961 Diems popular support questioned, 1967 American pacifists arrive in Haiphong, 1915 First American citizen killed during WWI, 1941 Cunningham leads fateful British strike at Italians,


The Mysterious U.F.O.

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An eerie object soared in the night sky,

Round as a disk and black as black,

It hovered in space and appeared to lie,

Just there as if power it did lack.


Its origin wasn’t from the Milky Way.

From another galaxy it had come there,

From a distant place, light years away,

A place where Earthlings wondered was where?


It had eluded the satellites and telescopes

Of Earthlings, spying in space.

On Earthlings, they had set their hopes

And come to the blue planet’s place.


A small hole in the U.F.O and tumbled out

Small green Martians onto Earth’s surface.

Wondering curiously, scampering about,

Wanting to explore the strange new place.


But they knew they had their job to do:

They had to search for a particular thing.

They couldn’t see it around, so back to the U.F.O they flew,

The Unidentified Flying Object started scanning.


The terrain around was unseen and new,

They looked frantically for what they sought.

Invisible, unseen to human beings like me and you,

They looked at Earth and hunted a lot.


They saw people walking around at night.

“What strange creatures!” they thought.

Looked at houses lit up with lights,

“What are they are up to?” they wondered a lot.


The longer they looked at the strange creatures,

They couldn’t understand why different did they look,

The human beings with different features,

They trembled and with terror they shook.


Then they saw what they had wanted,

In vast quantities it lay.

The creatures surveyed it from the U.F.O now undaunted,

For the object would just make their day!


The aliens scrutinized their desperately needed object.

It moved with ripples on its surface,

They wondered how it they would get,

With bubbles and foam over its face.


The ripples moved slowly, steadily to and fro,

Slowly they retreated back and again did come,

Ahead to wet the sandy shore,

The aliens watched the object awesome.


One courageous little one in his eagerness,

Tumbled out with a container to fill

With the magnificent substance but in his avidness,

He was swallowed by the waters with a cry shrill.


On their guard were the others hearing the cry’s distress.

Another batch of four to five ones accepted the challenge,

Carefully and slowly, they jumped with alertness,

Landed on the damp shore, relieved to survive the plunge.


Steadily, they filled the container to its brim,

Watched the liquid rush up the bucket fast.

Vigilantly they held the vessel by its rim,

Wondering how long this experience will last.


They transported the receptacle to the ship with care

Their planet’s future depended on the miraculous substance

Not a drop should be wasted that they would beware

Loaded it onto their vessel with hesitance.


Fulfilled was their mission; they had no more to do,

With a heave of satisfaction, they bid the land goodbye.

On the way back, with a silent ‘Woo-hoo!’

They decided that they’d have to leave with a sigh.


Passing through the cities and a couple of towns,

They looked at the Earthlings from the U.F.O’s glasses.

Stifled cries of amazement as they looked down,

Now not so terrifying seemed the human masses.


Soon with a thud landed the U.F.O on Mar’s rocky land,

They were greeted by anticipating Martian friends.

The leader of the expedition spoke, “Everything went as planned.

With the substance, our troubles will be beat at on end.


Behold the wonderful object,” He held it up for all to see.

Cries of joy, of satisfaction filled the atmosphere.

Green Martian faces were soon filled with glee.

Now they had anymore no more fears.


Earthlings of what happened are still unacquainted to.

While the abundant substance we continue to squander,

Was for the Martians ‘a wonderful value,’

Now that’s something to ponder...............


Such a unique substance we have to use.

We shouldn’t waste it thoughtlessly;

But use it to its correct dues-

Otherwise without it one day, we’ll live helplessly.


So my dear friends, the lesson is true.

Save Earth’s natural resources, please

Or one day deprived of them will be you—

Without water, oxygen or trees.







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