On this day :
1959 Barbie makes her debut, 1781 Spanish siege of Pensacola begins, 1985 First AdoptaHighway sign goes up, 1862 USS Monitor battles CSS Virginia, 1954 Republican senators criticize Joseph McCarthy, 1997 Rapper Notorious BIG is killed in Los Angeles, 1981 Japanese power plant leaks radioactive waste, 1841 Supreme Court rules on Amistad mutiny, 1847 US forces land at Vera Cruz, 1862 Battle of the Ironclads, 1916 Pancho Villa raids US, 1932 Chinas last emperor is Japanese puppet, 1996 Comedian George Burns dies at age 100, 1913 Virginia Woolf delivers her first novel The Voyage Out, 1997 Christopher Wallaceaka The Notorious BIGis killed in Los Angeles, 1916 Pancho Villa attacks Columbus New Mexico, 1954 Eisenhower criticizes McCarthy, 1943 Bobby Fischer born, 1965 Marines continue to land at Da Nang, 1970 Marines hand over control of I Corps region, 1916 Germany declares war on Portugal, 1945 Firebombing of Tokyo,


Search Results for family (About 10 results)

Autobiography Of A Blackboard

Autobiography Of A Blackboard
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One day a boy came in the shop with his family. The boy wanted a big blackboard.

The Highest Goal

The Highest Goal
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Today morning I woke up to a beautiful day. The golden yellow rays of the sun were streaming in through the window curtains onto me.

The Hard Earned Sleep

The Hard Earned Sleep
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Though it lasted for mere five minutes, this dream set me off the track for the day.

My Vacation To Maldives

My Vacation To Maldives
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The essence of nature, the enchanting beauty of the sands and much more in the colourful vacation of a family!

My Visit To Ranthambore Tiger Reserve

My Visit To Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
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We are a family of nature lovers. Hence at least once a year we go in to wilderness.

Mall Culture

Mall Culture
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Malls have mushroomed in towns and cities all over the nation. In Mumbai itself there are malls from the north to the south.

A Visit To A Fair

A Visit To A Fair
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A fair in the city, how exciting can that be! Numerous stalls, games, candy stores and lots more.....

A Morning At The Bazaar

A Morning At The Bazaar
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As I got up on Saturday morning, I thought about which vegetable my mom will buy at the Bazaar. After all, that’s the day we usually go there.....