On this day :
1974 Ford pardons Nixon, 1781 Bloody battle begins at Eutaw Springs South Carolina, 1986 Nissans first European factory opens, 1863 Rebels thwart Yankees at the Second Battle of Sabine Pass, 1945 American troops arrive in Korea to partition the country, 1935 Huey Long is shot, 1900 Deadly hurricane batters Texas, 1664 New Amsterdam becomes New York, 1900 Deadly hurricane destroys Galveston, 1941 Siege of Leningrad begins, 1986 Oprah goes national, 1947 Ann Beattie is born, 2003 RIAA begins suing individual sharers of copyrighted mp3 files, 1810 The Pacific Fur Companys first ship leaves for Oregon, 1974 President Ford pardons former President Nixon, 1998 McGwire passes Maris, 1954 SEATO established, 1968 ARVN general killed, 1915 German airship hits central London, 1943 Italian surrender is announced,


A Tournament

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              A long time ago, there lived a bachelor who liked fighting. His name was John. He heard that there would be a fighting tournament in U.S.A. He decided to join in the tournament because he liked fighting and there he could test his fighting skills, so he joined the fighting tournament. When he went there he enquired about the prize. The prize was $10 million. So John was very delighted and was ready to defeat everybody in the tournament.

There were two teams of five fighters each. In the first team there was John, his friend Jimmy, Jimmy's older brother Jerry, a tall and strong fighter Jack and a bodybuilder Michael. In the second team there was John's older brother Shaun, the popular wrestler Samous The Wrestler, a mad boy known as Idot, a jungle boy known as David and a builder Dan.

In the first fight there was John vs Shaun. John won the first round, but Shaun was very angry because his younger brother won against him. In the second round Shaun picked up John and threw him out of the stage, so Shaun won this match. In the third match everybody saw that no one was winning the match. Everybody thought that it would be a tie, and it was a tie. The second fight was Jimmy vs Samous The Wrestler. In the first round Jimmy lost against Samous The Wrestler. In the second round Jimmy again lost against Samous The Wrestler.

Then, the third fight was Jerry vs Idot. The first round was a tie. In the second round Jerry won against Idot, winning the fight.

The fourth fight was Jack vs David. There was a tie in both the rounds.

The fifth fight was Michael vs Dan. In the first round Dan won against Michael. In the second round Michael won against Dan. In the third round Michael again won against Dan. 

Then the judge declared the contenders for the final fight - Samous The Wrestler, Jerry and Michael. Then John asked the judge about the tied matches. The judge said that fighters in the tied matches were losers. John felt sad about this. The sixth match was Samous The Wrestler vs Jerry. Jerry lost against Samous The Wrestler in both the rounds.

The finale was Samous The Wrestler vs Michael. In the first round Samous The Wrestler won against Michael. Then, in the second round Michael won against Samous The Wrestler. And at last, Michael defeated Samous The Wrestler.

The prize wasgiven to the first team. Everybody started clapping for them. But John was not happy because he couldn't win the tournament.

After 5 years John married and was no more a bachelor.

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