Nutritional Weapon
Pia : Aah! Good marks again. But honestly, deep inside, I am not content. I must get better marks.
Ruth : How many marks did you get? I got 40 out of 100.
Pia : I scored 99 but I must get more next time.
Next Day –
Pia : This refreshing park air will awake my inner topper.! Oh, look a banana peel! In the shows of 1980s people used to slip on these so much! Now it my turn to experience it.
Slips on the peel and dies!
Ana : Oh no! A dead body! Why do people die? Don’t they know that
‘Dying is injurious to health?’
Meg : Call the C.I.D. Version 2.1!
A few minutes later
ACP : I think I recognise this body.
Sherlock : ACP Pradyuman, its Pia, the high school topper. I remember she once got 100 marks more than a fellow student.
ACP : In a 100 marks exam ..... yes .....
Abhijeet : Sir, the motive is clear.
ACP : What is the motive, Abhijeet?
Abhijeet : Sir, the motive is ..... the motive is ..... Sir, I forgot.
ACP : Sherlock, what’s the motive?
Sherlock : People were jealous of her, considering her academic success. Somebody ensured she wouldn’t get any more marks.
Watson : And he killed her, also!
Everyone stares at Watson.
Sherlock : Watson...
Watson : Yes, Sir?
Sherlock : You are stupid.
ACP : Random girl, what did you see?
Ana : Sir, she slipped on the banana peel and died.
ACP : Do you know what this means, Abhijeet?
Abhijeet : What?
ACP : This means that the murder weapon was a banana!
Everyone face palm.
Abhijeet : Sir, we must find out where the banana came from. There is a shop nearby. Let’s investigate.
They go to the shop.
Sherlock : Where is the shopkeeper?
Watson : Sir, I am the shopkeeper!
Sherlock : What? Then why are you with me as a detective?
Watson : Sir, part time job.
ACP : Did anyone buy a banana from you yesterday?
Watson : Sir, yesterday I sold 13246578 bananas!
Abhijeet : It is not possible to check each and every banana!
ACP : True, Abhijeet, but what choice do we have? Watson, did something strange occur yesterday?
Watson : Actually, yes, sir.
Sherlock : What was it, Watson?
Watson : Sir, yesterday a girl came to my shop and bought a banana peel!
ACP : Do you know what this means, Abhijeet?
Abhijeet : What?
ACP : This means that yesterday Watson sold a banana peel to a girl!
Everyone face palm.
Abhijeet : What did this girl look like?
Watson : She looked like .....
Sherlock : Looked like .....
ACP : Looked like .....
Watson : A girl.
Sherlock : No! Please tell us more.
Watson : Sir, she was that girl in the park!
ACP : You mean ..... Pia?
Watson : No! It was Meg.
They go back to the park.
Sherlock : Meg, did you kill Pia?
Meg : Oh my God! You mean Pia died?
Sherlock : Yes, and we think you did it.
Ana : Excuse me, I have something to say.
ACP : What is it?
Ana : I saw Meg drop the banana peel in Pia’s path! She killed her!
ACP : Meg, you are under arrest for the murder of..... the murder of..... the murder of ...... Wait, who died?
ACP : Meg, you are under arrest for the murder of Pia!
Meg : Oh, no!
Sherlock : And just like that, we have lost a brilliant student. Therefore, everyone .....