On this day :
1813 United States nicknamed Uncle Sam, 1776 Worlds first submarine attack, 1896 Electric car wins the first auto race in the United States, 1864 Atlanta is evacuated, 1950 United Nations defeats Soviet motion, 1996 Tupac Shakur is shot, 1921 Flash flood hits San Antonio, 1977 Panama to control canal, 1986 Tutu becomes archbishop, 1950 Julie Kavner voice of Marge Simpson is born, 1911 Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested for stealing the Mona Lisa, 1936 Buddy Holly is born, 1876 Minnesotans nearly wipeout the JamesYounger Gang, 1977 Carter agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama, 1953 Maureen Connolly wins US Open, 1965 Marines launch Operation Piranha, 1967 McNamara Line announced, 1914 British commander Sir John French issues first dispatch, 1940 The Blitz begins,


A Day on the moon

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Tuesday, 16th August was a very exciting day. That day I went to the moon.

At first, I had always heard of and read of people going to the moon and eating cheese. I really thought that the cheese found there was tastier than our Earth cheese. One day I decided that I must bring that cheese for my friends and family. But we know that one cannot go to the moon walking.

So I had to build a rocket. I bought a ‘Do-It-Yourself Rocket’ kit from NASA. I took the help of my friends Aakansh, Ritik and Prem. I and Aakansh would go in the rocket to the moon. Ritik would call the media. Prem would control our ship from the Earth.

Soon we took off. At first it became dark, but I had the foresight to bring a torch.

When we reached the Moon’s surface, we attached a tether cord to each of us. Aakansh brought some chewing gum, which we applied to our feet so that we do not float away.

But the chewing gum blasted because of the pressure. Our tether cords saved us.

We then started to think how to excavate the cheese. The moon was being bombarded with asteroids, so it would be harder than it is on Earth. We made a big umbrella of metals to ward off the asteroids.

It took us some Moon days to make it, but it was finally complete. We dug for cheese but we found nothing. We give you a piece of good advice: There is no cheese on the Moon!

With this done, we had to get back to the Earth. But whoever is the Moon God, knows how our ship floated away. We wandered for many Earth hours on the Moon. We noticed our little Earth, which looked like a blue marble in the mud. I still remorse not bringing a camera.

After wandering for a long time, we saw something shiny in the distance. Our mad minds ran towards it fast. We found out it was an abandoned robot. It had NASA encrypted on it.

It was not moving. We put a coin in its slot. It pleaded us to take it to Earth. But we ourselves were stuck.

Soon, we saw a parcel flying towards us three. It was a Lucky Stone. We touched it and in a flash we were on the Earth.

The robot now lives with my family. I have named it Monday. We both are happy on the Earth and never ever want to go on the Moon again.

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