On this day :
1979 IsraelEgyptian peace agreement signed, 1776 South Carolina approves new constitution, 2008 Ford sells Jaguar and Land Rover to Indias Tata, 1864 McPherson takes over the Army of the Tennessee, 1950 McCarthy charges that Owen Lattimore is a Soviet spy, 1987 Torture chamber uncovered in Philadelphia, 1872 Deadly earthquake hits California, 1953 Salk announces polio vaccine, 1997 Heavens Gate cult members found dead, 2000 American Beauty tops Academy Awards, 1920 F Scott Fitzgeralds first novel published, 1955 Black music gets whitewashed as Georgia Gibbs hits the pop charts with The Wallflower Dance Wit, 1832 The steamboat Yellowstone heads for Montana, 1804 Jefferson presented with a mammoth loaf of bread, 1979 Michigan State defeats Indiana State in NCAA championship, 1969 Antiwar demonstration in Washington, 1975 Hue falls to the communists, 1917 First Battle of Gaza, 1941 Naval warfare gets new weapon,
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Our Team

Manisha Sinha

Our own Big Boss

Mother of two dashing boys and wife of a loving husband.... she has her hands full. But she never forgets to smile! Leading pH Solutions from the front, she uses her technical and managerial abilities in full gear to keep the company running on its track.


Amol More

Boss in the making

Never comes on time, but still smartly and intelligently delivers projects on time. This quality had confused ACP Pradhyuman, so he had asked Dr. Salunke to research, And Dr. Salunke reported saying that Amol Loves to party after every launch, which keeps him going on and on...

Shashi Kumar Singh

The Designer Dude

Shashi comes up with new and innovative designs each time we ask him to design something. We asked him, "What is your source of inspiration?" He said, "Day dreaming!"


Yogesh Vargaonkar

The Stylish Coder

Most stylish person in our team, his style reflects even in his coding. Thank God he didn't become a Style Bhai!

Zahir Alam

The Innocent Researcher

Where do they make these kinds now-a-days? But Innocence is Bliss and that is why Zahir does his coding so blissfully.


Mahesh Dube

The Silent Man

Stern believer of the proverb, "Silence is Golden", Mahesh's programming speaks louder than his words.

Pratik Bhoir

The Smiling Buddha

Always flashes a million dollar smile. We all love his 32-teeth programming!
